7 things
I think this may be the first time I've responded to one of these invitations. Susan of Living the Adventurous Life tagged me for the "7 Random Facts About Me" meme. Her invitation came at a good time--a new blog post is overdue.
So here goes.
1. I once hunkered down in a closet and prayed while a tornado flew over our home, tearing off the shingles. This was while living in Arkansas when I was 9.
Photo by Eric Nguyen (Oklahoma U.), www.mesoscale.ws
2. I've broken both my arms--once while riding a horse that had never been ridden; once while swinging on a tree limb (this occurred the day before the tornado scare).
3. I am the great, great granddaughter of an Indian princess and a Scottish adventurer. My grandmother's grandmother was Ekalaka (Ijkalaka), daughter of Chief Eagle Man, an Oglala Sioux. Ekalaka married David Russell, a man who, as a child, survived the cholera and measles that killed his mother and siblings on the wagon train west; survived being on his own in a strange land from the age of 8; survived being shot through both hips during a war with the Indians (at 13) and later, being shot with arrows. In his lifetime, he worked as a government scout, Indian fighter, stage coach driver, cow puncher, bronco buster, buffalo hunter, miner and rancher. He hunted with Chief Joseph and Sitting Bull, met Kit Carson, Mark Twain, Wild Bill Hickock, Buffalo Bill, and Theodore Russell, who, after seeing my grandfather perform a roping show once, was so delighted, he sent David a box of cigars to show his appreciation. David also once loaned Ulysses S. Grant money to travel back east (before the Civil War, when Grant was an unknown).
4. When I was young, and my grandfather used to tease that he was going to sell me to the gypsies when they next passed by, my heart would lurch in delighted anticipation. I mostly knew he was kidding ... but what if? Gypsies got to wear those wild, multi-colored, swingable skirts, and they had all those great bangles and giant earrings. As a big plus, they got to travel all over the world and live secretive, mysterious lives.
5. I once worked as a plainclothes security officer for The Bon (now Macy's) and Frederick and Nelson (now defunct), two large department stores in our area. During the six years I had this job, I chased, tackled and handcuffed shoplifters. I once (with the help of my manager) rolled a 6'5" man across the hood of an elderly woman's car in the parking lot outside the store, while she sat inside, slack-mouthed, willing herself to not have a heart attack. I also once had a gun pulled on me.
6. I didn't know I would be a writer until I was 31. In high school, I vacillated between marine biologist and lawyer, but ended up being a 1st grade teacher ... which gave way to writer.
7. If I were about to be exiled--say, to a deserted island or the moon--and my exilers allowed me just one goodie to tide me over, without question, I'd request a hundred pounds of chocolate-covered gummy bears. I adore them. I sometimes crave them, although I rarely give in because once I start dipping into that bag, I can't stop. But, hey--it's exile. Why not?
And now I'm tagging the following:
Bonnie of Macromoments.
Jimmy of Being God's
Ellen of My Breath of Life
Nancy of Goldilox
Cora of Never Forsaken
Fran of Looking Up
Kim of Abba's Girl
Have fun!