
Sunday, June 07, 2009

what is that?

Such a good reminder ...


9 Comment:

At 6/08/2009 11:59 AM, Blogger Kim had this to say ...

Oh boy, that made me cry. Thank you for posting this.

At 6/09/2009 7:12 AM, Blogger Patricia Everett had this to say ...

I always love to start my day with a good cry! Thank you, Shannon, for reminding me how patient and loving our Father toward us...even when we ask Him over and over and over again, "What is that??"...
In Jesus,

At 6/13/2009 5:42 PM, Blogger Thistle Cove Farm had this to say ...

Very poignant yet when one is in the trenches, taking care of someone with dementia, it's difficult to practice patience..sad, but true. Even when we remember how patient God is with us. Sometimes life is simply overwhelming and at that moment in time, when we most need to go away to our secret place with the Lord, it's then we have to remain and tend to the care giving.
My heart goes out to those who are care givers; I've been there and know how hard is the job.

At 6/17/2009 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous had this to say ...

I love this. It sends a loud message for patience and love. It just reminds me of how precious people and time really are. You're an amazing lady. Megan Marysville

At 6/19/2009 1:25 PM, Blogger Unknown had this to say ...

tears.. for the struggles we all face and need patience for, for a Father
while part of me was saddened by not having a relationship like this child and parent had,
the other was deeply grateful that my children have it with me .. I'd tell them it was a sparrow until the end of time and I pray they will do the same for me some day.
thank you for sharing

At 6/20/2009 3:01 PM, Blogger Laura had this to say ...

Oh, how this made me cry.

And convicted me to forgive my parents many wrongs because of the many acts of love they have shown throughout the years.

Let grace fly like that sparrow...

At 6/21/2009 8:20 AM, Blogger Joe Robinsmith had this to say ...

How appropriate that though I have not visited here for a while that today, on Father's Day I visit to view that video.
Yes, it brought tears to my eyes. But more importantly it reminded me that I must open my heart to my parents, even when they have closed theirs so tight.
Hugs and prayers.

At 6/30/2009 12:08 PM, Blogger Sharon Goemaere had this to say ...

Hello Shannon:
Been a long time.Thinking of you as I am perusing old blogger posts of mine.Hope all is well with you and yours.Love you~Sharon Goemaere

At 6/30/2009 8:14 PM, Blogger Deitra Shoemaker had this to say ...

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I loved the way the son hugged his dad at the end. Powerful reminder of patience and love in our relationships.


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