
Tuesday, April 10, 2007


See that cup? A half hour ago, it was filled to the brim with frothy swirls of espresso and steamed milk. I wanted to savor each sip, but I couldn't keep my hands off for long. Now it's but a happy memory.

The really nice thing about that cup is that it was free. It seems I stood in line at Panera for just a bit longer than the lady behind the counter felt comfortable with. We had a nice talk while she made my latte, and then when I pulled out my wallet to pay, she waved my money away and said, "You had to wait too long for this."

That was a nice surprise. Almost as nice as the free wireless that came with my free latte. I still can't believe I live in a time where you can whip your Mac open and just check your email--just like that, with no modem, no cords, no hassle.

Two happy little surprises. But they don't compare to the surprise I got earlier this week, when I spoke with a long lost cousin (and friend) for the first time in twenty-six years.

How do those years go by? Why do we let people go? I don't have an answer. I just know I'm thankful events transpired in such a way that Tracy found my number and called. Hearing his voice brought on a memory fest; I've spent the last few days letting myself go back. I've been eleven again this week ... and fifteen ... and nineteen. I've remembered faces and laughter and happy times, and though it's made me grieve for some who are lost to me forever, it's made me grateful for those who remain.

The sun has just broken through the gray canopy we've been living under for three days. One bright shaft finds its way through the bronze scaffolding outside the cafe and bathes my table in warmth. Sitting here in this place, warm and happy and thankful, I can almost forget yesterday's rain.

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3 Comment:

At 4/10/2007 4:00 PM, Blogger Nancy had this to say ...

So you were in Lynnwood at Panera near lunchtime and you didn't give me a call, or shoot me an email with your free wireless connection?!?

I am just down the road and could've been there before the foam on your latte dissipated... *sigh* maybe next time.

I'm glad you had a nice time and it is great to get a phone call out of the blue from someone that you have many great memories with.

Love ya :)

At 4/11/2007 9:27 PM, Blogger Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife had this to say ...

Don't you love those unexpected blessings? A hug from God I call them...Glad you had such a great day!

At 4/14/2007 8:20 AM, Blogger Cynthia had this to say ...

I loved your site. Thank you for visiting mine. I'm not sure how you found me, but I am glad you did. I have enjoyed reading your posts, and more importantly, finding another believer who is as much a coffee lover as I am.

Have a wonderful day and I look forward to more godly insight.


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