
Thursday, August 24, 2006


Oh, the things we do in the name of ministry.

Today -- in a few hours, actually -- I will board a plane and head off to teach at the Calvary Chapel Carson City's women's retreat in ... Lake Tahoe. I know, I know ... some of you are already organizing prayer and fasting vigils to get me through the ordeal. I thank you. But it's all just part of what we do when we're trying to live sacrificial lives.

Dave added a prayer request to our weekly prayer sheet and passed them out last night after service. Inadvertently, he wrote that I was flying to "Lake Tahoo."

Rhymes with "Yahoo."

Sounds about right.

See you next week! I'll be the tanned, relaxed one with the big smile.

2 Comment:

At 9/01/2006 8:28 AM, Blogger Vicki had this to say ...

Miss you and praying for you, my friend. Take good care. Can't wait to read more about your retreat.

At 9/10/2006 8:14 PM, Blogger Heather Ivester had this to say ...

I spent a summer in Lake Tahoe while I was in college. It's such a beautiful place. We hiked up the mountain to enjoy the fabulous views.

I rode my bike to a copy shop where I learned the ins and outs of xerox copiers, then I drove a truck to make deliveries. I remember the water being VERY cold, compared to what I'm used to along the Georgia and Florida coasts!


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