
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

meet brownie

Here she is:

A pensive moment. Whatever could she thinking about?

4 Comment:

At 1/24/2006 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous had this to say ...

Awwww, so cute! Thanks Shannon!

At 1/24/2006 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous had this to say ...

I have to share a funny goat story. After my 1st son was born I stopped breastfeeding after 6 weeks (I was a new mommy with NO clue). My son was projectile vomiting every type of formula. He finally was put on Nutramagin which was going to cost us like $600/month. My dad suggested using goat's milk instead. Our friend told us about a couple that had a goat farm. They had a refrigerator on their porch with a little lock box on the side. You could get milk anytime for $4/gallon. We would just drive up, take the milk, and put our money in the box. Our son's spitting up stopped after the first feeding of goat milk. We told our pediatrician and she balked at the idea. She went on about how goat's milk doesn't contain the right nutrients, etc. I responded, "If it can make baby goats grow shouldn't it be able to help baby boys grow?" She still gave us a hard time. After that we just told her we were using the Nutramagin when we were really using the goat's milk. She always commented about how well he was growing and developing. HA!

At 1/25/2006 6:15 AM, Blogger Ginger had this to say ...

What a little dolly she is! No wonder you're spending time with her instead of blogging! She looks like milk chocolate.

At 1/26/2006 9:29 AM, Blogger Nancy had this to say ...

She is sooo cute, I will have to come back out to the farm to see her!! So you didn't know that Blondie was carrying Brownie...

A side note to go with Mandi's comment. Warren Jr. was given goat's milk when he was a baby, it was the only thing he could tolerate.


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