
Monday, January 23, 2006

it's ... a book cover!

My other surprise this week: I got the cover for my next book. It was supposed to release in February, and then that was changed to June, and now I'm hearing August. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it will be sometime in 2006.

What do you think?

16 Comment:

At 1/23/2006 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous had this to say ...

Great cover! Great idea for a book, too.

God bless, Shannon. ~Tim

At 1/23/2006 6:17 PM, Blogger Valerie had this to say ...

Hi Shannon: I'm here via Darlene at What Would Jesus Blog. That's a beautiful cover!!! I went through infertility, too - both of my girls are adopted. I'm looking forward to getting to know you. . . and reading your book when it becomes available!

At 1/23/2006 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous had this to say ...

Looks good, Shannon.

At 1/23/2006 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous had this to say ...

This cover is really great. Will the book address mainly infertility (as in not being able to get pregnant) or will it also include writing addressed to those who have suffered miscarriages?

At 1/23/2006 10:36 PM, Blogger kdoll aka *~Puzzle~* had this to say ...

That looks great Shannon! GOd Bless you!

At 1/24/2006 6:41 AM, Blogger Ellen had this to say ...

Hey Shannon! Waz up? I must be kind of blind or something. I need a closer up view to make out the cover. Empty nest? That's a cool idea. Is there a heart in there somewhere? Maybe I am seeing things. I like the colors and the fog. It's such a blessing when the fog of infertility begins to lift so that we can see the blessings that have been here all along. Blessings to you my friend. Ellen

At 1/24/2006 9:39 AM, Blogger Cora had this to say ...

Shannon, that cover is absolutely beatiful! I can't wait to read it!

At 1/24/2006 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous had this to say ...

Looks great!

Eets-a verry nice!

At 1/24/2006 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous had this to say ...

Love it, Shannon! I can't wait until the book is released. I have a friend I'd like to give it to.

At 1/24/2006 6:26 PM, Blogger Sharon Goemaere had this to say ...

What a beautiful cover.I cannot wait to read it!
Much Love,Sharon:-)

At 1/24/2006 8:00 PM, Blogger Lynetta had this to say ...

I love the cover and the title. Very clever! Congrats on the release, too. You have such a talent for capturing emotion when you write; thank God He is using it to bless others!

At 1/24/2006 10:44 PM, Blogger Bill & Glory had this to say ...

Captivating artistry and a very necessary message of hope.

I definitely want a copy, just because your writing is so friendly and intimate.


At 1/25/2006 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous had this to say ...

Shannon...beautiful cover. I call my home my nest so I looked at that picture and thought of my home without our 4 kids here.....overwhelming mental picture for me!

I hope it comes out on time and sells lots!


At 1/26/2006 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous had this to say ...

Very nice...and very needed. Many blessings on the book.

At 1/26/2006 1:57 PM, Blogger Spirit of Adoption had this to say ...

Looks great! Looking forward to it's release with you!!

Thanks for writing on this...so,so,so needed!!! May the LORD use this to change lives and bring peace, joy, and hope in Christ!

At 2/01/2006 8:53 AM, Blogger Darlene Schacht had this to say ...

That cover is unique. It will stand out on any shelf.


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